It is important to note that this is overgeneralized to previously learned irregular past-tense verbs (i.e., “eated” and “falled”) Using a verb to describe something that already happened.The child will have to guess using the verb “to be” (i.e. Games: You can also do charades for this verb type! Using picture cards of various animals, pick one out and act out the animal.Picture Books: Using literature is a great way to promote vocabulary growth (including verbs!) While reading, point out what the characters in the story are doing and comment on what they did previously (“Oh look! The hungry caterpillar is eating an apple! He was eating an orange.”).During Play and Conversation: modeling is important! (i.e., “I am so hungry! Are you hungry? I was not before but now I am! I am going to make dinner! What do you want to eat?”).The different forms include: am, is, are, was, and were. Additionally, forms of the verb “to be” are contractible (“I’m going” or “Mommy’s tall”) Can be used as the main verb (“I am sick”), or helping verb (“She is singing”).

If he/she gets it correct, he/she can try to get the basketball into the hoop or kick the soccer ball. You can call out a verb, throw the ball to your child, and he/she can call out the irregular form of that verb.

The present progressive adds an -ing to the end of verbs. Indicates an activity that is currently or was recently in progress.What Types of Verbs Should You Expect Your Preschooler to Have before Kindergarten? Action: What the person, place, or thing (noun) is doing.